Details of firm

Legal form
Booij Legal & Tax is the trade name of Booij Bikkers B.V., a private limited liability company having its registered office in Haarlem, the Netherlands. The company is registered with the  Chamber of Commerce under number 65757262. Its VAT identification number is NL856247157B0.

Professional liability insurance
Booij Legal & Tax has taken out professional liability insurance from HDI Global Specialty SE. The policy number is V-062-012-661-8.
The General Terms and Conditions of Booij Legal & Tax address the limitation of professional liability.

Complaints procedure
As described in the General Terms and Conditions, the firm has an internal complaints procedure and a complaints officer. Clients filing disciplinary complaints about services provided by Booij Legal & Tax will be informed of the relevant complaints procedure of the Netherlands Bar Association where required.

Code of Conduct
Booij Legal & Tax’ attorneys are registered with the Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten, Neuhuyskade 94, 2596 XM The Hague, the Netherlands, T: +31 (0)70-33 53 535, E: They are bound by the Code of Conduct governing attorneys, which is available on

Should Dr. J.A. Booij be temporarily unable to practice as a lawyer, Mr. M.H.W.N. Lammers will act as deputy. She can be reached at 06-31002561 and via e-mail:

Third party account (escrow)
Booij Legal & tax does not have a third party money account (escrow).